
Using my-PV products with Zendure balcony power plants

No more giving away surplus electricity for free – use it for water heating instead! This is now possible with Zendure balcony power plants.

A standard balcony power plant has an approved feed-in capacity of 800 watts. Today, many manufacturers allow users to adjust their output power. Whether with or without battery storage, a maximum of 800 watts can be fed into the public grid via the household connection or Schuko socket. However, until now, making full use of the generated electricity often required a workaround.

Many manufacturers only offer power management based on consumption profiles and predefined thresholds to control battery charging or the use of electricity from the balcony power plant. Despite precise configuration attempts, this often leads to unnoticed high feed-in volumes or increased electricity consumption from the grid.

Getting more out of your balcony power plant is now much easier! As previously introduced, my-PV products are compatible with the EcoTracker from everHome. This device measures energy flows directly at the smart meter, monitoring how much electricity is consumed or fed into the grid. This provides absolute and verifiable control to optimize the use of self-generated PV power.

New compatibility with Zendure and everHome

Thanks to the compatibility of Zendure and everHome, owners of Zendure balcony power plants can now make even better use of their self-generated photovoltaic electricity with my-PV products. Many balcony power plants already include storage solutions, either as portable batteries or fixed battery storage units. The challenge? These storage units charge or feed into the home network based solely on threshold values, which often do not reflect actual consumption.

This contradicts the goal of many balcony power plant owners – to maximize self-sufficiency and make the most of their solar power rather than giving it away for free.

With the compatibility of Zendure, everHome, and my-PV, every balcony power plant owner can now benefit from using their PV electricity for heating. After household electricity consumption and battery storage, there is often still enough power available to heat water using the Photovoltaic Power Manager AC•THOR or AC ELWA 2 (if no heating rod is installed).

With real-time, second-by-second measurement at the house connection point, only the surplus energy – that would otherwise be fed into the grid without compensation – is used for water heating. Given that feed-in tariffs and the administrative effort involved rarely justify selling electricity from small PV systems (such as balcony power plants), it makes more sense to use as much of your own power as possible.

Does 100% self-consumption pay off?

Let’s break it down: A typical balcony power plant generates up to 560 kWh of surplus energy annually, which is usually fed into the grid without compensation. This energy can be linearly controlled by AC•THOR, directing it to the heating rod in a storage tank at home. The EcoTracker from everHome detects the surplus and ensures efficient usage.

At an electricity price of €0.35/kWh, this setup can save up to €200 per year. The AC•THOR from my-PV has a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of €831. This means the investment pays off in just five years.

The advantage is that even more electricity from the balcony power plant can be used, creating greater value. Additionally, it increases independence from future electricity price hikes.

Rethinking balcony power plants

By combining my-PV solutions, the EcoTracker from everHome, and Zendure balcony power plants, owners can boost their self-consumption to 100%. This results in maximum cost savings, greater independence from rising electricity prices, and a step towards a more sustainable and renewable energy supply.

On February 20, 2025, a joint webinar will provide the perfect opportunity to learn more. Sign up now and take advantage of the potential for 100% self-consumption!

Partnerwebinar with Zendure and everHome

Register now!

Compatible Manufacturers

We enjoy working as a team

We can refer to a large number of partner companies in various industries with which my-PV devices are compatible.

Compatible manufacturers

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